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10 key points to maximize telemedicine potential in healthcare service

When internet has changed our life in almost every segment, it's probably even changed how we search for information and also address solutions about our health problems. Healthcare landscape has evolved keeping up with the digital demand and now telemedicine is having its moment.

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Tackling Brand Consistency Challenges in Headless Commerce

Headless commerce is becoming an increasingly popular choice for businesses looking to deliver seamless, personalized, and engaging digital experiences to their customers.

eCommerce stores and enterprise brands are reaching out to this latest buzz in the online retail world, to scale or expand their e-commerce operations.

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Magic of Microinteractions in designing user onboarding experience.

Microinteractions are tiny, delightful details that add fun and engagement to the user experience. They might seem small, but they add up to create a more engaging and enjoyable user experience.

It's a small, animated element that brings joy and lightens the mood. This not only makes the waiting time more enjoyable but also adds a human touch to the learning process.

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Google building AI Life Coach

Google DeepMind has been utilizing generative AI to carry out 21 distinct kinds of jobs for both personal and professional use. These tasks include tools that offer users ideas, guidance, planning and teaching advice.

In December, Google's artificial intelligence safety specialists warned that taking life advice from A.I. could result in "diminished health and well-being" for users.

AI assistant

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